
December 21, 2011

Fendi on Christmass

The chic painter concept was employed by Fendi on their window display in Rome. I really love how they decor the outside of the building with lights simulating a huge belt, its just gorgeous!!

Spanish: Fendi uso un concepto de un artista chic en sus vitrinas de Rome. Me encanto como decoraron la fachada del edificio con luces simulando la forma de una correa gigante, me parece precioso!

Gorgeous lights

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December 18, 2011

Louis Vuitton Circus

This is the window display that LV is displaying this season, and I absolutely love it. You know when you have a good window display if people stop for taking pics with it! And in Rome there was a line for pics with this elephant in Via Condotti. Once again LV did it again.

Spanish: Esta es la vitrina de LV para esta temporada, y a mi me fascina. Una manera de medir el exito de un escaparate, por lo menos en el sentido de llamar la atencion, es que la gente pare a tomarse fotos con el mismo. Y en LV de Roma habia fila para tomarse una foto con el simpatico elefante. Una vez mas, LV lo logro. 


Im loving this flats

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December 17, 2011

Hippy Days

Lately, with this cold weather I feel like dressing very comfy and long sweaters always do the work for me. This one I found on a little vintage store in Barcelona, and it was love at first sight. I wore it to my trip to Rome with some boots and leather pants.

Happy Weekend,

At Piazza Navona

Waiting on the Line for a secret sweet pleasure
I'll share with you my secret, its located on the Jewish guettho (via del portico de ottavia) and for the line that its always there you can imagine how good it's that! YUMMY!!!
The love locks on Ponte Fabricio
This is the oldest bridge on all Rome and its full with locks that symbolize the union of two souls.

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December 16, 2011

Fashionable Smoke

Smoking has been part of the fashion industry for many years, the habit of smoking has been portrayed as the "it" thing to do on editorials, magazines, etc. I understand this because a cig can make a model on a pic look more mysterious or can help emphasize a rebel look, if we look it in the more artistic way.

I am not a fan of smoking, not only because it makes your expensive perfume go away but also because it can ruin the whiteness of you teeth. But I know its hard to quit for many people, that's why you should search for a solution, specially if you feel that you are hooked on the unhealthy habit. Many people try hypnosis, a nicotine patch, eating more, etc. My roomate try Vapor 4Life , a vapor electronic "cigarette" which emanates flavored vapor from it. He hasn't stop smoking, but have lower his daily intake of cigarettes per day since the electronic one has some nicotine on it.

Sally Mann's Photography
Lindsay Lohan for Purple Mag
Lady Gaga smoking on the MTV Music Awards

Brigitte Bardot Smoking
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December 14, 2011

Naples with Love

Last week I went to Naples, and this town is worth visiting, specially if you want to eat right! I will share with you the places where I ate, in case you may visit in the near future. Bon Profit!

Spanish: La semana pasada fui a Napoli y si quieres comer bien, te recomiendo le des una visita a este sitio de encanto. Les adjunto los lugares donde comí, por si les quieren dar una visita en el futuro. Buen provecho!

Baba (a traditional italian pastry)

Chocolate Croissant (the best I've ever had)

Nocciolatte (coffee and chocolate)

At Pizzeria Da Michele (the one of Eat Pray and Love)

The best Pizza Ive ever had!!!! for sure

A little bit cold! but worth the visit!!

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December 12, 2011

Window Shopping for Him

Do you know what to give to your boyfriend, father, brother, brother in law, cousin, etc. Well, I took some pics of the window displays in Rome, so you can get some ideas and do a little window shopping! Remember, in men a good fit can do the difference between the greatest thing ever and the worst.
P.D. Also, the best gift is a hug, one size fits all, and nobody minds if you return it ;) 

Happy Shopping,

Spanish: Ya sabes que regalarle a tu novio, padre, hermano, primo, etc? He recopilado unas fotos de algunas vitrinas en Roma para que tengas unas ideas de que regalarle! Recuerda, en los hombres el tallaje es lo mas importante! Puede hacer la diferencia entre el mejor regalo o el peor.
PD. El mejor regalo es un abrazo, una talla le queda a todos, y a nadie le molesta si lo devuelves ;)

Felices Compras,

Ermenegildo Zegna

Salvatore Ferragamo

Salvatore Ferragamo

Salvatore Ferragamo - Rome

Salvatore Ferragamo



Prada Suitcase






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