
February 14, 2012

Stephane Rolland

Stephane Rolland launch his Spring Summer 2012 haute couture collection and I was with my mouth open while I was looking to his creations. They are hot, fashion, artistic, and architectural, take a look and judge for yourself on his website.
Spanish: Stephane Rolland lanzo su colleccion Primavera / Verano 2012 de alta costura y mientras veia sus creaciones no podia parar de decir Wow. Son muy chic, a la moda, artisticas, y en cierta parte arquitectonicas, miren su website para que admiren un poco mas. 
Happy Valentines Day!

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February 8, 2012

Bag Obsession

I have always been a bag lover, but lately I have stick to two of my fave bags and haven't varied in a while. When I saw the collection of Christian Louboutin I remembered my love for bags, because they are gorgeous! Also, I attached some focus points made with LV bags by British artist Billie Achilleos in shape of animals.
My Fave of all!
Amazing texture, I can almost feel it!
The Pilule

Pictures from here and here
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February 7, 2012

The Brandery Part II

As I promised, here is the second part of the Brandery. This part I focus on the artistic window display.

Spanish: Como prometi aqui esta la segunda parte de the brandery. Esta parte esta dedicada a las vitrinas artisticas que se encontraban en la feria.

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February 6, 2012

Escaparatismo y Merchandising Virtual

There are a series of programs that visual merchandisers and window displayers do in order to express their ideas clearly before they are approved. I like google skecth up because it´s easy, also I use the Mockshop in school but I can´t recomend it to be use if you are on your own because it´s really expensive. Either way, I attached some projects with both programs.

Spanish: Hay una cantidad de programas que los visual merchandisers y escaparatistas usan para poder expresar sus ideas claramente antes de que sean aprovadas. De estos programas me gusta google sketh up porque es facil, pero tambien he usado Mockshop en la escuela pero no lo recomiendo si eres autonomo porque es caro. De todas maneras, les adjunto algunos proyectos que he realizado con ambos programas.
Escaparate para tienda de libros en promociòn del libro Comer, Amar, Rezar (Hecho con Google Sketch Up). Window Display to promote the book Eat, Pray, Love (Done with google Sketch Up)

Merchandising creado en programa Mockshop. Merchandising created in Mockshop

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February 2, 2012

The Brandery Part I

The Brandery is an event where all important retailers and designer unite and present their products. It was a pleasant afternoon with friends, here is the first part of the pics. And sorry for disappearing so much! Enjoy the rest of your day!

Spanish: El Brandery es un evento que reune a todos los comercios y artistas para que presenten sus productos aqui en Barcelona. Fue una tarde amena con los amiga, aqui les presento el primer set de fotos. Y disculpen por desaparecer tanto, disfruten el resto de su dia!


Fashion and Fetish, all you need to know about the sexiest tendencies
I don't know why they have dogs on their stand but they are adorable! 

Bruna Sedo makeup
Painting with makeup
One of my favorites stands, the clothes they have is gorgeous!
Red leather skirt

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