
October 4, 2010

Gaga's Hairy Situation


Lady Gaga decide to appear to a presentation 'dressed' with a hair dress. MMmm I love Gaga and her innovative way to market herself but after seeing this...... I just don't know what to think. I really hate it! but hey if somebody can do this, its hers so good for her.
Take care :),

Translation: Lady Gaga decidio aparecerse en una presentacion 'vestida' con un traje de cabellos. Mmm, a mi me encanta Gaga y su manera innovativa de mercadearse por medio de su estilo pero despues de esto.... no se que pensar. Lo odie!! pero si alguien puede hacer algo asi es ella asi que bien por ella.

Cuidense :).




  1. Only save the McQueen shoes!

  2. not a fan at ALL of gaga, but I must admit she is doing her thing... :)
    Thank you so much for the sweet comment and following, of course I want to follow you back babe, you have a great fabulous amazing blog :D



Thank you I really appreciate your beautiful comments!!!