
November 16, 2011

Mango Fashion Night Barcelona

A few weeks ago was the Mango Fashion Night, a complete marketing success. The store was so full that you have to wait in line to get in. I had to leave early because to be honest couldn't handle so many people at one place together! Either way, there was music, drinks, and a discount of 20% for the people who where brave enough to do the line to pay!

Spanish: Hace algunas semana fue el Mango Fashion Night, un exito rotundo de mercadeo. La tienda estaba completamente llena, tanto que habia que esperar para entrar. Sinceramente, yo me fui temprano porque no podia estar con tanta gente en un sitio apretujada! Igualmente, habia musica, tragos, y un descuento del 20% para los valientes que querian formar la fila para pagar!

Girls enjoying their drinks!
Makeup from Mac


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1 comment:

  1. Buenas fotos! Yo odio también cuando hay mucha gente... salgo corriendo jajaja


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