
May 30, 2012

New and Chic

Azpeleta Boutique is the store which my team and I (UpArt) worked for in Barcelona as the visual merchandisers, window display creators, and inauguration event coordinators. The experience was great, from the fashion photo shoot we did in the gorgeous Born neighborhood to the final inauguration where pinup style and fashion reunited. 
Here I leave you the pictures of the event and some work we did to the store.

Spanish: Azpeleta Boutique es la nueva tienda que mi equipo y yo (UpArt) trabajamos en Barcelona como los visual merchandiser, escaparatistas, y coordinadores de evento. La experiencia fue espectacular, desde la sesión de fotos que hicimos en el esplendoroso barrio del Born a la inauguración final donde la moda y el estilo pin up se reunieron.
Aqui los dejo con algunas fotos del evento y del trabajo que hicimos en la tienda.


Susana Azpeleta cutting the ribbon to make the inauguration official

Candy everywhere in martini cups
Beautiful Bartenders putting their pinup chic apron
Our favorite hairdresser and makeup artist Igor and our beautiful model Lourdes

DJ Pablo having fun
Us ultimating the details

Runway with gorgeous model show the great things the boutique have to offer
The 3rd and final runway to celebrate with rose petals on the air.
Creation of the invitations


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1 comment:

  1. omg that literally looks like so much happy darling fun.
    i love how vintage and sassy that boutique looks.

    xo kaitlin


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